In my head I had made a small rule about trying to post once a week, I think a couple of posts a week is nice, but not always manageable (for me).
And as its Saturday again tomorrow (the last time I posted was last Saturday) I am sliding in with 2 hours to spare and sticking to my rule. Ha!
The reason for my neglect is the upcoming craft fair, Im pretty sure I have mentioned this a few times already so look away now if you can't bear hearing this again.
Next Saturday is my next craft fair and as always I am hideously un-organised. I am great at planning in my head, not so great at putting it into action.
So every moment I have, I am sewing, sticking, creating.
Nothings finished yet, but I have a week to go and you will be amazed at what can be achieved in a week!
So, in the meantime I am going to do a cheat post. My idea of a cheat post, is a Pinterest post! And here we go ...
One of my Pinterest boards is Shop Inspiration.
I have lots of aspirations, one of them is owning my own shop. I think the reality of that actually happening is pretty much hanging on a lottery win, but, I am a big believer in dreaming BIG!
In a previous life (pre children) I was in fact a window dresser.
So, shop fronts, visuals, layouts are a bit of a passion of mine. (I say passion my husband says OCD).
Here are a few of the shops I have pinned to my board, I hope you like them as much as I do.

If anyone has any tips about how to get photos on here to line up, feel free to let me know!
I've been jigging these four around for an hour with no joy.
I quite like looking at people's Pinterest stuff :) Not a cheat post at all (I did one too a little while ago!) Would love to see more though of what you're selling at the craft fairs :)
ReplyDeleteI do LOVE looking at peoples boards on Pinterest, and can quite easily time waste in there! I am planning a craft fair post, but need some more goods actually finished, I may make people hyper-ventilate (or shake their heads in despair) if you all see how much I still have to do!! X